Welcome to the future of self-sanitizing apparel

Health, Hygiene, Quality

Say goodbye to nasty body odors. With cutting edge antimicrobial technology, our products keep you fresh and clean all day!

Who we are!

Our technological benefits, thanks to XFusion™


100% Copper Infusion

Using XFusion™ technology, copper ions are infused deeply into the fabric bundles, retaining more copper ions than other copper yarns or treatments, penetrating into every sub-bundle of fabric and attaching to every strand of fiber, providing a 100% infusion


The XFusion™ treatment continuously kills 99.9% of bacteria, fungi, and viruses found within minutes of contact, providing you with a “broad spectrum” protection


Copper is able to destroy bacteria and fungi that typically cause foul smells and body odor.

Promotes Healthy Skin

Copper regenerates skin tissue, boosts elastin, and promotes collagen production which helps improve skin growth, tone and texture.

Relieves Pain

Copper provides anti-inflammatory properties for pain relief.

Long Lasting & Durable 

As copper ions are embedded deep into every fiber of our products, they will not leach. Tests have shown that the benefits of the treatment will last the roughly lifetime of the product.

Copper ‘Halo’ Effect

Bacteria on non-copper materials found in the close surrounding area is eliminated over time

Organic and Sustainably Produced

The XFusion™ treatment is completely safe, chemical free, natural, non-drug, non-invasive, and environmentally-friendly